Statement Of Faith
We Believe
- In one God ceaselessly existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- The Bible is a collection of 66 books that outlines the beliefs and teachings of the Christian faith with God as the ultimate source.
- God created angels as spiritual beings and ministering spirits, with Satan being a finite creature without divine power.
- God created human beings in His image and likeness.
- Satan is the originator of sin and every human being inherits the sinful nature of Adam through their parents.
- Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity became a perfect human being who died for sinners. He is the head of the Church and advocates for the saved.
- Salvation is achieved through the blood of Jesus Christ, by grace through faith.
- The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity resides in every believer and unites them in the universal Church.
- The church, separate from Israel, began on Pentecost and is a universal assembly or congregation. Church has the assurance of the promised return of Christ in rapture.
- The fulfilment of Israel’s Seventieth week will be followed by the visible return of Christ for the millennial reign. The wicked shall go into never-ending punishment and the righteous, into eternal life.
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Many Churches under SBAK Aizuto and even families and organizations, from Nagaland and even from outside of the state, have been pillar…Read more
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