Statement Of Faith

We Believe

      1. In one God ceaselessly existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
      2. The Bible is a collection of 66 books that outlines the beliefs and teachings of the Christian faith with God as the ultimate source.
      3. God created angels as spiritual beings and ministering spirits, with Satan being a finite creature without divine power.
      4. God created human beings in His image and likeness.
      5. Satan is the originator of sin and every human being inherits the sinful nature of Adam through their parents.
      6. Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity became a perfect human being who died for sinners. He is the head of the Church and advocates for the saved.
      7. Salvation is achieved through the blood of Jesus Christ, by grace through faith.
      8. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity resides in every believer and unites them in the universal Church.
      9. The church, separate from Israel, began on Pentecost and is a universal assembly or congregation. Church has the assurance of the promised return of Christ in rapture.
      10. The fulfilment of Israel’s Seventieth week will be followed by the visible return of Christ for the millennial reign. The wicked shall go into never-ending punishment and the righteous, into eternal life.

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Many Churches under SBAK Aizuto and even families and organizations, from Nagaland and even from outside of the state, have been pillar…Read more

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